Saturday, November 22, 2008

Lunch -- 11/20/08

Jack in the Box
5127 Bosque Blvd
Waco, TX 76710



Ramona: Chicken club sandwich on ciabatta bread, curly fries, diet Coke

Jim: Grilled chicken club on sourdough, fries, iced tea

What is it with restaurants selling ice tea, but refusing to carry lemons? How much of an investment is a box of lemon packets? They never go bad, and thousands come in a small box.
McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, and now Jack, with his big head, thinks he can get by without providing lemon. Some people, for various reasons, can not drink sugared soda, some of those do not like diet drinks, so what is left? Tea without lemon or water. Lousy choice!


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